My Sound and Video Samples

Here are some links to some video and mp3 sound samples I have patched.  Most are all 'free-running' patches with no control by the keyboard or user.

This is a sample of my arpeggiator and the preset sequences.

This is several LFOs driving the SpeakJet Babbler.

This is my MIDI bass pedals sequencing a bass line driving a Roland MT-32 with the PSIM generating MIDI snippets from  S+H and various VCOs driving a Roland SC-7.

This is using damped vibrato to modulate the VCOs.

This is several LFOs driving the SoundCanvas using the CV2MIDI program.

This is a demo of the HoldAllNotes program driving arpeggiation sequences on a MOTM-650 driving a single MOTM-300 VCO.  The VCO output is delayed and mixed through a Blacet TimeMachine with slight regeneration.

This is the pseudo-sequence program driving VCOs with 3.75 ips tape delays.

This is a demo of the TimeMachine warping MIDI.

This is a sample of the CV-trig-gate delay program.

  Drum Master
This is my Alesis HR-16 drum machine driving a PSIM to generate clocks for my CVS SuperSequencer.

This is the pseudo-sequence program to VCOs with lag.

This is the MOTM-730 generating Hammond sound with keyclick and spring reverb. See MOTM-730 page for details.

  HR-16 Divider Sequencer demo
This is a demo of the CVS-HR-16 Divider Sequencer program driving an Alesis HR-16 Digital Drum Machine.  All four input channels are driven from my Neil Johnson VC-LFO.

  Hold All Notes1
  Hold All Notes2
These are short little demos of my MOTM-650 with a PSIM program that does not release the notes. I've set up the MOTM-650 for arpeggiation and found a couple of sequences that sounded great.

This is my first M569 sequence in 4x8 mode.  Channels 1-3 drive the Living VCO and channel 4 drives the 566 VCO modulated by noise through a resonant low pass gate which is modulated by a sequencer gate.

  Klee Sequencer
This is a demo of the CVS Klee Sequencer.  It is a simple patch consisting of the sequencer in dual 8 bit mode driving two VCOs and my SC-7. The VCOs are each driven by the 8 bit shift registers. Their output is mixed through a VCF and VCA controlled by the gate output with a slight bit of lag. The output is mixed with the SC-7 and separated in my FFB into a right and left channel with a bit of spring reverb on the output.

This is a demo of my frequency mixer.  I thought it sounded like the Krell machine.  See MOTM-890 Frequency Mixer page for details.

  Jungle Drums
This demo is of Mike Marsh's Arabesque program with tape delay

This is my Arp Sequencer driving the PSIM CV2MIDI to the Sound Canvas.

  MOTM-730 Sequence 1
This is the MOTM-730 as sequencer. See MOTM-730 page for details.

  MOTM-730 Sequence-2
Same as Sequence-1 with a preselected MIDI program change. See MOTM-730 page for details.

This is a free-running patch inspired by the Dark Side Of The Moon.

This is various LFOs driving PSIM CV2MIDI to the SoundCanvas.

  Riders On The Storm
This is the PSIM generating the audio sample with a built in sequencer.

  Source Of Uncertainty demo
This is the Buchla 266 Source of Uncertainty driving two VCOs.  The QRV 2N output goes to the integrator to the S&H which is clocked at 8X the rate of the QRV.  The S&H will alternately clock rising or lowering CVs due to the integrator lag. The S&H outputs go to a dual quantizer to two VCOs to two separate spring reverbs and finally to left and right phasers. The VCOs have a bit of portamento and vibrato and the QRV CV is modulated by a 0 to +5V LFO to generate some random rising and falling stereo sequences.

          Supersequencer and Source Of Uncertainty demo (click the image)

This is a sample of my Supersequencer program and the Buchla 266 Source Of Uncertainty.

This is various LFOs driving the PSIM CV2MIDI to the SoundCanvas with a phaser.

Wogglebug clock generator driving divider & pseudo-sequencer to the SC-7 driving the SoundCanvas.  Out3 modulates the Wogglebug clock to generate the "stutter" and the sum of the counters varies the MIDI instrument.

  The Journey
A suboctave divider through a quantizer with FM.

Bass Pedals playing sequence #3 driving my SuperSequencer program set to a 16 step up/down sequence with the levels arbitrarily set.  The Bass Pedals merge the SuperSequencer midi data and drive a SC-7 Sound Canvas.

  Varislope demo
This is an audio demo of the Jurgen Haible varislope filter

My SpeakJet 'speaking' through my vocoder.

